香港中文大學健康展覽 2023 – 從腸計議 CUHK Health Exhibition 2023 – Quest to Digest

健康檢查之名額及派籌安排 Health Check Quota and Ticketing Arrangements




1. 每天的派籌時間為:

  • 早上九時半:派發早上十時正到下午一時半之籌號
  • 下午一時半:派發下午兩時正到五時半之籌號

2. 基本健康檢查(包括血糖、血總膽固醇、乙型肝炎表面抗原檢查;體質指數量度;血壓及心房顫動檢查;健康諮詢)及特別健康檢查(包括肝臟纖維化檢測)的籌號分開兩條隊伍派發。

3. 每人每天於基本及特別健康檢查分別限拿各一張籌

4. 如果兩種檢查所分配到的時間重疊,您只能任選一項前往參與。

5. 活動當天所有臨時安排(如開放正式排隊之時間 或 「截龍」措施)將視乎當時情況而定,未能提前告知,敬請原諒。






@將軍澳 新都城中心三期
@藍田 麗港城商場

@大埔 超級城


  1. 免費腸胃科檢查:
    • 肝纖維化掃描
    • 乙型肝炎表面抗原檢查
  2. 免費健康檢查:
    • 血糖檢查
    • 血膽固醇檢查
    • 血壓檢查
    • 心房顫動檢查(中風風險評估)
    • 體質指數檢查
  3. 有關消化系統的資訊版介紹
  4. 腸胃科醫生講座
  5. 各種精彩表演
    • 魔術表演
    • 氣功表演
    • 粵劇表演
  6. 教育影片

屆時敬請大家多多捧場喇!同時記得緊貼我們在 Facebook 和 Instagram 專頁上的更新!

The annual Health Exhibition is back! This year marks the 35th year of CUHK Medical Society’s annual Health Exhibition!

In Hong Kong, a city with a high-stress urban lifestyle and an unbalanced diet, poor gastrointestinal (GI) well-being has been a longstanding problem. GI-related diseases are prevalent in Hong Kong as 6.6% of the population was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome in a study conducted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This impacts not only the physical but also the mental health of individuals.

As such, we are organising this year’s Health Exhibition under the theme “Quest to Digest”, hoping to spread awareness to Hong Kong citizens about GI-related diseases, as well as to promote knowledge in GI treatment and a healthy lifestyle that prevents the risks of developing GI diseases. In the following three weekends, the Health Exhibition will be held in various shopping malls in Hong Kong:

The highlights of the Exhibition includes:

Week 1: 7-8 October
@TKO Metro City Plaza Discovery
Week 2: 14-15 October

@Lam Tin Laguna Plaza
Week 3: 21-22 October

@Tai Po Mega Mall

  1. Free GI checks:
    • FibroScan®
    • Hepatitis B surface antigen test
  2. Free health checks:
    • Blood glucose measurement
    • Blood cholesterol measurement
    • Blood pressure measurement
    • Atrial fibrillation screening (stroke risk assessment)
    • Body Mass Index (BMI) measurement
  3. Information board presentation on different GI diseases
  4. Talks by GI doctors
  5. Various exciting performances
    • Magic show
    • Chinese Kungfu (Qi Gong)
    • Cantonese Opera
    • and many more!
  6. Educational videos

Remember to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for more updates! See you there!