健康展覽報告比賽 Health Exhibition Presentation Competition
Health Exhibition Presentation Competition 2024 is now open for application (Deadline: 31/07/2024) 健康展覽報告比賽2024 現正接受報名(31/07/2024 截止報名)
香港中學健康展覽報告比賽就是其中的重要元素。參賽者需根據本年度的主題 —「呼吸系統疾病」,訂立自己的報告題目。他們會通過選拔、初賽和決賽三輪比賽,並完成一份項目陳述書、一份報告書和口頭匯報。

有關詳情經已透過電郵及郵寄的方式發送予香港各中學。如欲報名,請參考下方「比賽資料及規則」,並聯絡 貴校老師。
Health Exhibition Presentation Competition 2023

Results of Preliminary Round 2023 | 2023年度初賽結果
健康展覽是香港中文大學醫學院院會的主要活動之一,而香港中學健康展覽報告比賽就是其中的重要元素。參賽者需根據本年度的主題 —「腸胃肝臟科研究近期發展」,訂立自己的報告題目。他們會通過選拔賽、初賽和決賽三輪比賽,並完成一份項目陳述書、一份報告書和口頭匯報。
- 香港中文大學醫學院副院長(校友事務)兼外科學系教授吳國偉教授
- 香港中文大學博士後研究人員 劉穎芝博士
- 香港中文大學博士後研究人員 彭也博士
- 拔萃女書院
- 風采中學(教育評議會主辦)
- 嗇色園主辦可風中學
- 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學
- 瑪利曼中學
- 沙田培英中學
- 聖保羅男女中學
- 聖保羅書院
- 聖保祿學校
- 聖士提反女子中學
The Health Exhibition is one of the flagship events of the Medical Society, CUHK. The Health Exhibition Presentation Competition (HEPC) is a key element of the Exhibition, where participants are required to set their own report topics based on the theme “Recent Development in Gastrointestinal Research”, which correlates to our central theme this year. Participants will complete a project statement, a report and an oral presentation as they progress through the three rounds of the competition, namely the Screening Round, the Preliminary Round, and the Grand Final Round.
The Preliminary Round of the Hong Kong Secondary School Health Exhibition Presentation Competition was successfully held on 9 September 2023. Thirty-three teams of secondary school students have all given their very best to showcase their research results in interesting ways, such as making use of videos, roleplay, and singing. These presentation aids have made their presentations extremely captivating and creative.
We are very grateful to have the following professors and researchers who helped to serve as adjudicators for the Preliminary Round competition amidst a busy schedule:
- Professor Enders Ng, Associate Dean (Alumni Affairs) and Professor, Department of Surgery, CUHK
- Dr. Yingzhi Liu, Post-doctoral research fellow, CUHK
- Dr. Ye Peng, Post-doctoral research fellow, CUHK
The finalists advancing to the Grand Final Round are as follows, congratulations to all the finalists!
- Diocesan Girls’ School
- Elegantia College (Sponsored by Education Convergence)
- Ho Fung College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)
- Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School
- Marymount Secondary School
- Shatin Pui Ying College
- St. Paul’s Co-educational College
- St. Paul’s College
- St. Paul’s Convent School
- St. Stephen’s Girls’ College
(listed in alphabetical order)
Here are the winning teams of 2022:
Champion: Diocesan Girls’ School 拔萃女書院
1st Runner-up: St. Paul’s Co-educational College 聖保羅男女中學
2nd Runner-up: Shatin Pui Ying College 沙田培英中學
Health Exhibition Presentation Competition 2022

健康展覽是香港中文大學醫學院院會的主要活動之一。而香港中學健康展覽報告比賽就是其中的重要元素:參賽者需根據本年度的主題 —「眼睛疾病」,訂立自己的報告題目。他們會通過選拔賽、初賽和決賽三輪比賽,並於當中分別完成一份項目陳述書、一份報告書和口頭匯報。
The Health Exhibition is one of the flagship events of the Medical Society, CUHK. The Health Exhibition Presentation Competition (HEPC) is a key element of the Exhibition, where participants are required to set their own report topics based on the central theme “Eye Diseases and Disorders”. Participants will complete a project statement, a report and an oral presentation as they progress through the three rounds of the competition, namely the Screening Round, the Preliminary Round, and the Grand Final Round.
The Preliminary Round of the Hong Kong Secondary School Health Exhibition Presentation Competition was successfully held on 17 September 2022. Thirty teams from different secondary schools have all given their best shot to showcase their research results in various interesting ways, such as videos, roleplay, and rapping, making their presentations captivating and creative.
The finalists advancing to the Grand Final Round are as follows:
Diocesan Girls’ School
La Salle College
Marymount Secondary School
Pui Kiu College
Shatin Pui Ying College
SKH Lam Woo Memorial School
St. Paul’s Co-educational College
St. Paul’s College
St. Paul’s Convent School
TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College
(listed in alphabetical order)
Here are the winning teams of 2021:
Champion: Queen Elizabeth School 伊莉莎伯中學

1st Runner-up: Diocesan Girls’ School 拔萃女書院

2nd Runner-up: Holy Trinity College 寶血會上智英文書院