開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony

今年,我們很高興能邀請現任食物及衞生局副局長徐德義醫生,JP和香港中文大學醫學院助理院長莫仲棠教授 參與我們在大埔超級城的開幕典禮!
Similar to previous years, we will continue to kick-start the Health Exhibition with a Grand Opening Ceremony. During the ceremony, honourable guests and distinguished representatives from co-organisers will be invited to share our jubilation of this annual event
and to give speeches on stage. In 2018, we were honoured to have Dr David Lam from Hong Kong Medical Association.
In 2019, we have invited Dr CHUI Tak-yi, JP, Secretary for Food and Health, HKSAR and Professor Vincent MOK, Assistant Dean (Student Affairs, Admission), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK,
to witness the official commencement of the Exhibition. This further publicises our mission to educate and benefit more people. Souvenirs were presented to guests and sponsors, followed by a toasting ceremony.