健康展覽2020 – 精神抖搜 | Health Exhibition 2020 – Know Your Psych

時光飛逝,距離上屆健康展覽已過了一年。往年,醫學生透過參與健康檢查、諮詢等,在一連三個週末的健康展覽為大眾服務。 然而,本年因新冠疫情影響,我們的健康展覽只好改變形式,大部分活動將會改於網上進行,以保障市民健康,遵守醫學生的宗旨 。
Time flies, and it has almost been a year since our last update. The previous year was filled with ups and downs, challenges and obstacles. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, Health Exhibition 2020 has also been forced to deviate from the norm. In previous years, our medical students take pride in serving the public by conducting basic health checks and counselling services over several weekends every fall in various malls in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, face-to-face activities are simply too risky to be held, and it would be contradictory to public health principles that we as medical students should uphold and promote.
Still, under such difficult circumstances, we have pushed through with Health Exhibition 2020 – Know Your Psych. As you may be able to tell from the topic, our theme this year is psychiatry. Psychiatry and mental health, especially in a fast-paced society such as Hong Kong, have long been a serious issue but it has not received the most attention compared to other health concerns. Over the past years, social events had led the public to pay more attention to psychiatric conditions, but a lot of people remain unaware of their own psychiatric health.
In 2020, the world has been hit by the novel coronavirus. Lockdowns and quarantines were, and still are, being practiced everywhere throughout the world. Despite the fact that the pandemic is not the most severe in Hong Kong, social distancing rules and work from home practices meant a lot of Hongkongers were unable to socialise as frequently as before. Researches have found that the Hong Kong population have seen an increase in depression and anxiety cases, under the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we thought psychiatry is definitely the go-to topic which corresponds to people’s lives.
The topic, “Know Your Psych”, encourages people to take time to assess their own psychiatric health. Most people with mild psychiatric conditions may not even be aware of such issues, and can live their daily lives just as normally. However, it does not mean that this is sustainable in the long run. We hope to promote psychiatry and raise people’s awareness about psychiatric health, so that people not only would be more conscious of their mental health, but will become more likely to take actions to improve their situations instead of going about their daily lives just like before. We truly hope we can light a candle of hope in people’s hearts in this difficult year.