健康展覽2020正式開幕!Health Exhibition 2020 officially launches!

我們很高興宣佈今年的健康展覽正式在10月27日開幕!在未來的兩星期中,我們會陸續將各式各樣的資訊通過不同渠道發放 (詳請如下)。大家一定要留意我們的社交網站 (Facebook and Instagram)及網頁,不要錯過「搜」羅精神健康資訊的機會!

We are glad to announce that the online Health Exhibition this year officially launches today on 27 October! In the upcoming 2 weeks, we will post video clips that explain different psychiatric disorders via different channels over the Internet (details below). Please stay tuned by following our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram), as well as here on our website to Know Your Psych!