健康展覽2021 – 骨肉相連 | Health Exhibition 2021 – Bones & Muscles, Hustle Your Struggles

1. 主題相關的健康檢查:骨質疏鬆風險評估、肌肉減少症(少肌症)風險評估。
2. 資料版 x 16
3. 骨科醫生及物理治療師的講座
4. 教育影片
屆時敬請大家多多捧場吖!同時記得緊貼我們喺 Facebook 同 Instagram 專頁上嘅更新啦!
The Annual Health Exhibition is back!🤩🤩🤩
In the past year, we have all stayed at home in accordance with social distancing guidelines. This has no doubt increased the risk of musculoskeletal diseases, as we have become less physically active. Now that the epidemic has been eased, the Health Exhibition Organizing Committee has decided to reboot the Health Exhibition in a physical manner, so as to remind the public about musculoskeletal health.
In the following three weekends, we will be organizing the Health Exhibition in various shopping malls in Hong Kong:
💥1st week: 9-10 October
Venue: Tai Po Mega Mall
🌟2nd week: 23-24 October
Venue: MOSTown
☀️3rd week: 6-7 November
🥳The content of the exhibition includes:
1. Thematic health checks: osteoporosis risk evaluation and sarcopenia risk evaluation
2. Information boards x 16
3. Talks by orthopaedic physicians and physiotherapists
4. Educational videos
Hope to see you there! Remember to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for more updates!